Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Went out to dinner the other night with a friend of mine. While eating some yummy pizza, we got on the topic of Fetish Work. Which led several of the strange fetishes I have come across in my modeling career.... Never have I realized how many great stories I cataloged in my brain since I first started...

(this is actually a re-post from 2007... but thought it would be fun to put it up again.... )

Fetish of Feet: There are photographers who photographph them. There photographers who pay to worship them (Rub them, paint them, lick them, wash them, Pedicure them, sniff them) - there are also the ones that hire me to walk on them in heels or stockings. In Germany, Stomping is a fetish - where they step on small animals (I do not do that fetish). Sometimes the foot guys buy my old worn out boots, sometimes they want to smell my shoes, sometimes they steal my socks when I am not looking and I have to go barefoot all day.....

Fetish of Aprons: Got hired for the first time this year in TN to do apron fetish. Which is basically a girl - in an apron - making cookies or dinner. I think that is a Freudian thing, dontchathink? Wanting to bend your mom over while she bakes you cookies?

Fetish of Tummy Torture: Watching girls lay on pointy objects, like forks, upright markers, ect.

Fetish of Tickling: This is a huge fetish, I have done at least ten tickle shoots in my modeling career.... mostly in NYC. Girl gets tied up and tickled.... those are really hard shoots, because you literally laugh for about 2 hours... until your head wants to explode.

Fetish of Hair: Last year I got hired several times, by the same guy, to brush my hair.... I would just sit in the corner of his office and brush my hair.... I did not even think he noticed me. But he kept hiring me back.

Fetish of Everyday Things: There are people who are turned on by the following: Hair drying, face washing, applying make up, putting on just lipstick, trying on wigs, trying on clothes, putting on your shoes.... they pay good money for all that stuff too.

Fetish of Casts: Did my first cast fetish this year.... had two leg casts put on. Quite a lot of fun hobbling up the stairs without any kneecaps.... ha. The guy who hired me runs a cast-fetish website. He was telling me about one of his fans who hopped over a cash register line in TX, to lick (yes lick!) the sale's woman's cast. Yuppers!

Fetish of WAM: (Wet and Messy) It is the actual name for the fetish... although, I usually do not get to do the clean side of it (showers, pools, washing cars) - I get the messy side of it.

Fetish of Shaving: Was hired to shave my armpits once.... that was just weird.

Fetish of Potty Training: This is one of those fetishes that I do not do, but I have run into on several occasions.....the first time I heard of it, I was shooting with a gal named Mistress Vivian from NYC and in casual conversation I asked, "So what do you do full-time?" And she was like, "Oh I potty train" and I was like, "Oh really! Puppies are so cute!" And she was like, "No, I shit on people for a living....." And I thought that was awesome. Because her fulltime job is shitting.... you are probably making faces but seriously - she shits and pays her bills.

Fetish of Dead People: A bit new to me, but I guess people are really into it. I get hired to show up and pretend I am dead.... I pretend I am dead on the couch, dead on the floor, dead in the bathroom.... It is easy modeling-dead when you are half asleep on the floor. Weird thing is, that the guys who hire me for that stuff - tend to be the coolest dudes - the first ones took me out to lunch at a noodle shop, the second one offered to let Matt and I stay at the awesome hotel he booked after the shoot....

Fetish of Pony Riding: People dressed in pony gear! I love them! I got to own a pony for a few hours, while I was down at Fetish Con last year.... I pranced him around the lobby - it was a good time.

Fetish of Wrestling Women: Is a very big thing and it is always fun because I get to work with other models. Example: First time I ever met Isobel Wren, I had her in a headlock... : )

Fetish of the Giantess: Ever see the Pamela Anderson Video with the little people running all over her? That is actually a fetish. Basically people make little bitty houses, and they shoot up at me stomping on them....

Fetish of Ballbusting: Tracy did this one! Go T-Racy! It is where you sign a release saying that you will not be held responsible for any damage - and you just kick a guy in the balls for an hour.....

Fetish of Drowning: This was a first - While in Tampa this year, Tracy and I both pretended to get die horrible deaths underwater. Guess there is a big fan base for that... who knew?

Fetish of Balloons: Watching women sit and step on Balloons... Not going to lie, sitting on balloons is completely frightening.... stepping on them is fun though.

Fetish of Eating Fish/Swallowing: Almost did this one... almost. Even went shopping to buy the fish, but then they looked so happy being alive and swimming around - that I just gave up. Plus, if I ate one - my karma would be worse than it already is.... Hmmm... Fish are not my thing anyways.

While the majority of my work is 90% Art/Glam Photography.... Fetish work is what makes modeling fun. Without it - it would just be studio lights and paper backgrounds all the time.


Anonymous said...

This post is when i first found your blog! It was linked to from the a newsletter i recieve :)

Thought I had gone back in time then!!

Hopefully you are feeling much better :)

Dubbayoo said...

The hair brushing thing is the weirdest one...well that and getting kicked in the goods. :)

PD said...

Interesting. Different. Eh, what the hell, to each their own. I can see the wrestling, the WAM, & maybe even the tickling. But the apron- definately Freud,.... & definately an image I dont need in my head. How did you get through those tickle shoots? Sides had to be killing you. Hope you feeling better. Good Luck Tomorrow.:)

Bowman Wanser said...

Are you trying to tell photographers to add some flava to the shoots? I will have to spice up my work!!!

Great working with you again for the first time.

vikingman said...

Every soup tastes better with some salt and pepper....

Wishing You the best for today, sending a pile of warm Golden-September-sun-rays!

London Andrews said...

Haha.... I am thinking about linking to my top 10 favorite blog entries... and this would be one of them, because every single one of those fetishes has a really great story behind them...

Wrestling is the most fun. I think it is just fun to push someone around, especially after a long day of shooting, you know?

Tickling SUCKSSS SOOO MUCHHH... I really do not do it at all. You should see the photos that I did two days after that tickling shoot with Mistress Skye - I was actually bruised like a leopard, all up and down my side... have you ever seen the photo of me in the business top? Next to the lake, from 2006? Yea, under that suit jacket - is a bruised mess.

Bowman! I am not going to get used to calling you that... it is like me trying to remember Tracy's Cora name.... but yes, it was awesome working with you too - the photos look great!

Sun, there is lots of sun here in MD today.... and I think I am going to write about the week, out on the back porch...

ninjaphoto nudes said...

HA! Love it!

Anonymous said...

And what does one call the fetish that consists of nothing more than the love of looking upon a beautiful woman? I've got that one, and it seem to be insatiable....

Bettie Blogger said...

I am the blogger for BettiePage.com - I'd love to be able to reprint this article on the Bettie Page Blog -- and invite you to guest-blog there on this topic if you'd like.

London Andrews said...

Feel free! : ) I think that is wonderful!

Unknown said...

Okay, you said all the fetishes have a really great story behind them. I'm curious as to the ballbusting story?

Ive considered doing a site for a few years, but feel like a bit of a creep when I try to talk to women about doing it (and I'm not being one, its just the nature of it to people who have no idea what it is "you want me to do what?")

Alex River said...

As a fan of breathplay and dunking in water, the drowning fetish bugs me. I love a bit of contrived danger with my sex, but not *deadly* danger, right? But the drowning fetish seems so pervasive in the aquaphile community that sometimes it's a bit hard to find material with a happy ending for both parties involved. Eventually, I got tired of looking and started writing my own.

-Alex of Underwater Sex Stories