Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sweet Cherry Pie.

My Valentine's Day shoot with Eric Paul Owens went swimmingly well. As predicted, I found myself smothered in an assortment of supermarket pies - Cherry pies, apple pies, blueberry pies- pies pies pies! Pies toppling through the air.... smashing, smushing, splattering. Pie in my ear, pie crust on my butt! Wish I could say that was my first time getting hit in the face with cool-whip... At least I can say that it was my first time getting hit with cool-whip while standing in a kiddie pool! If Eric lived closer, I would drag him to his studio all the time - He put me in such a great mood when I needed the pick-me-up pretty badly. 

It has been, yet again, another crazy drama filled week. It seems that there is a model that has 'issues' with me.... Never had a problem with another girl in the biz before. Not sure how to approach it... As usual, I have been avoiding it. But now she is emailing photographers.... just low-balling and dirty. Most of my photographers are people that I have come to know on a long-term basis, they are friends, they are people that I keep in touch with.....I would never refer to anyone as a "cash cow". If you get that email, please know that such a horrible degrading phrase never came out of my mouth. Blah. I cannot help it when I hear her name in conversation these days, I have such a hard time coming up with good things to say ..... And while there are a million positives to this business..... the negatives, far and few, still hang like deadweights on my brain.

Spending the next few days in town with the boyfriend, hoping we can get some people over to the house to play a mean game of Apples to Apples. 


JRtist said...

defamation of character is always something that can be sueable...
Someone should enlighten her on the aspects of slander and libel.

Sorry you're going through that. I've had it done to me and I put a stop to it with a simple email of "I'm disheartened that you have found some reason for finding fault in something you dislike towards me. But it's your problem, and not the public's. I would suggest as a friendly reminder of the laws towards defemation of character and slanderous accusations and comments that cannot be documented in either fact or fiction. I urge you to stop this meaningless attack towards my character and myself. Legal actions may be taken if you cannot find it in yourself to cease this action expeditiously. I wish we had some common ground to make a friendly relationship occur but it's apparent this will not happen. Enjoy your day. Signature entered here."

Things stopped from what I found out. People hate me, great... but don't take it and try to piss other people off with me. You know what I mean?

No reason why you should sit and take it either. I'm hoping none of these photographers that are getting contacted take her seriously and I would LOVE to have been a photographer for ya at some point... it would have been enjoyable to laugh at such an email lol.

Have a good one London and chin up... you're better than this and all that matters is you know the truth.


Anonymous said...

Oh and hey, if it's multi-state, you can take her to Federal Court.

Ahhhh, Federal Court, where the law is the same no matter what state you're in, and it matters not where any of the parties live. :-) :-) AND, they operate totally online. No paper filing.

Just keep your ear to the ground and pay attention to any cancellations - lost biz equals damages, baby!


PD said...

From the pics, it looks like you had a good time. Curious, Is it that much fun getting hit in the face with a pie? If so, I'm missing out.
Jon is right. Act. Don't let this "person" (I can think of some better adjectives, but I wont put them down) wreck what you have built. You know the truth, And I'm betting those you have worked with know the truth and see this for what it is, garbage. Friggin rotten people.
Dont worry about 25. It's just a number. The question is: Have you the time wisely? From what I know of you, & where I am sitting, Yes you have.

Victor said...

PD is right 25 is just a number. The best parts of your life are still ahead. I love cherry pie! You need to shake the bad vibes baby, spring is a coming.

Anonymous said...

For someone who isn't yet 25, you sure have a maturity beyond your years J. Too bad girls like you tend to be the exception and not the rule. The concept of "age" is a bunch of artificial bs anyways; if you lived on Mars you would be about half the age you are now. On Pluto, you wouldn't celebrate your first bday for another 225 years! It's just based on how long the earth travels around the sun; pretty random if you ask me so I don't pay it any mind. Your brain and outlook on life determine those things and with your spunkiness you should stay young alot longer than the rest of us.

As for the haters, F**K 'em. One thing I learned is you will ALWAYS piss someone off for whatever petty reason(s) they choose to concoct so why dwell on them. Dwell on those who care about you and make you happy to be alive; it works for me. Giving attention to hatemongers only validates their miserable existence. Remember how misery loves company. Hope this helps and take care of yourself Doll. :*

London Andrews said...

I feel like the people who know me - would understand that I would never say something like that. And since I cannot see anything that she has done that has directly harmed me yet, I am going to continue to ignore her for now.... If things get out of control, which I hope they won't, I will deal with them when the time comes....

I thank you all for your great advice! It is nice to know that I have options... : ) As I am sure you can believe, in this business, any kind of gossip... can kill your reputation...

She is really talented and has worked with many great photographers. Probably just as well liked as I am.... Still not sure what I ever did to her, never even met her face to face before..... Just makes me sad. This situation just pits two girls, two reputations, against one another - when it should not even be an issue at all.... it really sucks....

small1sh said...

You look good enough to eat!

eric paul owens said...

If you lived closer I would be draggin you to my studio all the time too. You know this though.

Don't let the drama get you down. You are good at what you do and one childish person cannot sink your reputation at this point.

you rock girlie.

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