Tonight, in attempt to assist Matthew in his dinner-makin' - I located my old handy-dandy...Bible Coloring Book! Found it a few days ago....bought it on a whim last year while hitting up the local Dollar General... Who in their right mind would want to color an Ox drowning to death in a flood? Or the photo of Cain killing Abel? "Pass the red crayon, please. *ahem* The blood red crayon please?... Thank you." Personally I enjoy the slang they use... "God grumbled at the Hebrews...."
Last night Jeff's little venue coffee-house had a music show for Miss Emily Wells who was doing a musical tour. Nothing like seeing a really cute girl, jamming on a ukulele, ocovering Notorious BIG with a bunch of great friends.
Glad to see that you are broadening you culinary skills, but you haven't reached Iron Chef status until you burn water...Haha!
Mom's home cooking... I sure due miss that, but not as much as I miss mom. Wish see was still with us.
Hmmm... Bible coloring book, huh? Been a long time since I have colored in one of those. Damn!...Long time ago.
Anyway... Don't know if our paths will ever cross, but it would be fun to hang out a talk randomness with you. May have to see about Burning Man... might have to give it a whirl.
Thanksgiving and friends is a great way to celebrate what you're thankful for. I think the verdict is still out on that ToFu-Turkey thought... : ) Because of my hispanic heritage... growing up, it was Turkey and Menudo for Thankgiving and Tamales for Christmas.(We had to have something to open up for christams... Haha! : )
So... I take it you are heading to Cleveland? Well Kiddo... Be safe and I wish all the best.
Dr Phil is Satan!
All I have been doing since Saturday is smiling. I had a ball! Next time you pass through, you have the time, tell me when & where, I'm there. Thai, Shopping, Coffee(Gotta do better than Starbucks next time),Lazertag, whatever. Gang, our friend here is a hundred times better in person.
With reguards to the bellybutton: I'm going to call upon the mercy of the court, say you do dumb things when you are in love, & plead insanity.
Checkers: I'm going to get my nieces & nephews to practice with. But, do you have any idea how humiliating it is to lose a straight up game of checkers to a six year old?
Just for laughs: Something you mentioned on Saturday. Macaroni & Cheese. You must be physic. Thats one of the things the family had for dinner on Sunday. All I could was look, smile, & laugh. Now, seeing how mac & cheese not only tastes good, but makes you feel good. I say enjoy it, & dont worry about where it goes.
Get those tickets off your back & stop worring about zombies.
Plainly, you are amazing.
: )
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