Sunday, January 9, 2011

Perry and Meeyah

Patrick and I adopted the three year old Catahoula dog!

Had a terrible mishap on the day we brought her home - Perry, our resident kitty, was hanging out around the house, not really interacting with the dog (we have had dogs over before without incident)... And then, without any kind warning, Perry attacked the dog all teeth and nails (Perry grew up in a Motel parking lot, where dogs chased her all the time - I guess I should have known Perry should have expected this).... Anyways, Perry gouged Meeyah's eye badly - I felt horrible about it. Within four hours of bringing Meeyah home, we were headed to the Emergency ER....The only positive thing I can take away from visiting the ER that night, is that Pat and I really had the chance to see Meeyah's amazing temperament..... She was in SO much pain (cat scratches are really dirty things) and she never growled or got upset with any of the vet tech poking her eyeball. She just quietly sat there, looking sad, hoping it would be over.

Meeyah is still recovering... luckily, her eye looks great. Thankful that everything worked out OK.... I cannot tell you how worried and upset I was about this. Perry still hates the dog. And our dog is now terribly terrified of all cats.... 

Positive things about the new addition to the family: Meeyah cuddles A LOT! She will snuggle up right next to you in bed, and cuddle her head right under your chin and anytime you stop hugging her, she will snuggle closer. It is adorable. She loves new people. She has not barked once since we have gotten her (I keep wondering if she even knows how to bark) She has already learned Sit/Stay/Down.

Negatives: She smells terrible! And I cannot wash her until her stitches come out.... She isn't housebroken (it was impossible to crate train her with that Elizabethan Collar, so we have just been watching her and taking her outside on a schedule.... works about 70 percent of the time) - She is hungry and wants to eat ALL food.... she doesn't discriminate between my salad bowl, my favorite book, or a dog bone - She won't play fetch with me.... but it's cool. I like playing fetch with myself, Meeyah. No worries.


Danny G said...

When my dog got her lady parts out because we didn't want puppies running around, we trimmed the cone they gave us to something about half the size. We also cut out holes so that she more air into the cone.

Duffboy said...

So sorry for Meeyah! My wife and I recently adopted a male dog right off the street (we had fed him for weeks before the so called owner noticed and recognized the dog, left outside of his house, had been run over several times) and we keep him outside (he has his ownd doggy house, no worries) on the count of us having 3 cats already (we don't want the drama you have experienced).

Here's to more fetching good times!

vikingman said...

Thanks for the update !
Sad to hear the mishap,
usually it's the other way round...

Give Perry a cuddle from me, will you ?

Actually two, he seems so alone now....

A cat is more difficult to controll than a dog, as You now know..No smart solution here just now :-(

very happy about the rest !

patience and cuddles,lots and lots for all,
try to mind Perry's favourite places, that those be kept free.might help him to adapt a bit better, though it takes time.
Good luck to all of You !!

Summer said...

What a precious face! So glad she has a cuddly home with y'all...