Monday, March 22, 2010

SXSW 2010

SXSW just happened here in Texas. Downtown Austin was shut down for four days while 2,000 bands took over. Multitudes of free parties, free music taking up every few feet of space (even the restaraunt supply store across the road had a band playing). Bill Murray was pouring drinks at the Shangri-La, Neutral Milk Hotel was playing on a street corner... even GWAR was here! GWAR was giving away free prizes for whoever got covered in the most blood at their show....

We crammed four guests into our house - Dru, a gorgeous female music artist from Brooklyn, Pat's friend Johnny Wright who is studying Music Law in Detroit, my model friend Barbadoes Pearl from Dallas, and of course, Matthew - Lots of nights of Apples to Apples, partying till we stumbled home on the bus, lots of sing alongs in the apartment - it has been a really fun week. 
As for SXSW - I cannot stand lines! SXSW is FULL of lines - they are everywhere. I kept trying to see "big" "wellknown" bands for the first half of the week... Artists like Band of Horses, She and Him, Muse - but those lines will drive a person MAD! All that standing and doing nothing, standing and not moving - By Friday, I removed all the large bands from my schedule.... Matthew and I trekked over to the East Side, far far away from 6th street.... Visiting small venues, full of talented unheard of musicians (which I think is more of the spirit of SXSW anyways) - Bought all kinds of CDS - Been importing them into Itunes for the last hour....
Matthew.... my best friend, my other half, my outdoor Burning Man pal.... is visiting me until the end of March. I am trying to convince him to leave Syracuse and to move to Texas to live with me ... In order to convince him to leave upstate, I am going to show him all the wonders of Austin. 


wigglytoothman said...

Don't worry about words not always coming easy. Not everything in life is so exciting that it deserves a blog post. As weird as it may sound, I was first captivated by your appearance and then turned on (for lack of a better term) by what you write... even if you feel you're in a slump. I dunno, it's just that much cooler (to me, at least) to know there is so much more to you than just a pretty face and a gorgeous body. Long story short... keep on keepin' it real, even if you don't feel you have much to say. It's always cool to see what you're up to, even if it's nothing.

Keith said...

Sorry been lurking your blog for a while in silent adoration, but I had too comment. I lived in Austin for 5-6 years (hung around for 10ish), and damn if SXSW isn't the festival I want to love, but can't help but hate it. It's a pain in the ass. I saw some cool little bands on 7th in like little tents. Alot of the non-official venues are kick ass. Anyways you picked a great place to live, have fun and I hope your friend moves down.

vikingman said...

Living life in its flow is soooooo energetic.
Making ones own dreams come true just topps this.

Feeling pressed to do things away from the flow and ones enthousiasm sucks.

For me too.

Am not very good in doing things, with a "must " behind, delay and procrastination just happens.

Its not me.
Its the circumstances that drive, but not my heart.
Thats where all stops.

Thanks for reminding me!

Love Your blog so much !!

hugs from the North,
listening to :