... Ha... Well, until Prescott! This particular photographer sent me the most touching email (.. just went looking for it but seems to have been buried in the avalanche that is my Gmail.... oh well) - To sum it up - He talked about how a group of artists, including himself, have been passionately working on a project called: Exposed the Art Project - His letter was really sweet, claiming that he wished to do a photography session with a plus-sized model and could not think of better model to use for the project. "Could you come down to Miami for the shoot, I might be able to help with expenses?" - I immeadiately thought of creepy Santa, my reply was instantly explosive "NO way. Not FL.. not gonna happen..." I wrote him back, stating that FL and I are not friends... Thanks for thinking of me, really sorry...

Two weeks later - I was on a plane to Fort Lauderdale...
Prescott's shoot was one of the highest production shoots I have been on (even Danni.com could not compare).... He had Edward Cruz as the makeup artist and Troy as the hairstylist - We were shooting at a studio that costs $1900 a day - The place was HUGE, windows straight to the ceiling... Prescott had a photography assistant helping him out, handing him film. All the Exposed Art Project people were there - There had to be fifteen people in the studio.... shooting, walking around with video cameras, eating, laughing... creative madness! If you have not seen some of the candid photos from Prescott's shoot, I had hair extensions put in and they bleached my eyebrows right off my face! (I have since dyed them back again) - Not sure if I will see the final product, since most of the stuff we shot was on 120 film - but the art show should happen sometime in 2011.... so stay tuned for that!
London, We miss you! You were such great company, and a beautiful model. We all loved having you be a part of Exposed the Art Project and hope to see you again some time. Hugs, Naomi
So the eyebrows took one for the team. What made'em do it? Good to hear this go around in Florida was better than the last.
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